We are helping to make free, low-cost, and foster-friendly resources more accessible to foster families.
Findhelp.org is an excellent resource to help find free or reduced-cost resources like food assistance, housing, financial assistance, health care, and more. Their social care network is an easy way to get services, connect people to what they need, and quickly follow up. Just type in your zip code and find free or low-cost resources near you.
America's Kids Belong offers a Foster Friendly App that connects thousands of foster and kinship families with local discounts, resources and support. Nearly 5,000 foster families have downloaded the app, and new businesses and faith communities are joining every day!
We strive to be a unique and accessible organization and a meaningful resource to those in the foster care system. If you are in need, please reach out and we will help connect you to the resources that will help. We are here for you!